
‘Benicàssim, Cuidamos de ti’ será la nueva apuesta de la localidad que busca crear un vínculo emocional con el viajero Benicàssim, 15 de enero de 2023 La ciudad de Benicàssim ya está preparada para aterrizar en Fitur, posiblemente la feria de turismo más importante del mundo. Esta localidad de cerca de 20.000 habitantes concentró el […]

15 January 2023

El municipio celebrará mañana lunes el tradicional acto de bendición y reparto de la Coqueta Benicàssim, 17 de enero de 2023 Benicàssim cuenta las horas para que el volteo de campanas anuncie mañana el esperado encendido de las hogueras que marca el inicio de una de las noches más entrañables para los benicenses: la noche […]

15 January 2023

El traslado del estandarte del patrón es la antesala para los días grandes de los festejos patronales Benicàssim, 14 de enero de 2023 Benicàssim ya está de fiesta. El municipio ha iniciado hoy los festejos en honor a San Antonio Abad y Santa Águeda que se prolongarán hasta el próximo domingo 22 de enero. La […]

14 January 2023

The mayor chairs the SICTED working group meeting, where local businesses’ applications are evaluated Benicàssim, 10 November 2022 This morning, Benicàssim Town Council’s Tourism department held the Comprehensive System for In-Destination Tourism Quality in Spain (SICTED) working group meeting, chaired by the town’s mayor, Susana Marqués, and attended by the head of the department, Elena […]

10 November 2022

Dogs will be able to visit Benicàssim’s beaches from 1 November to 1 March Benicàssim, 30 October 2022 Peak season is over, and Benicàssim Town Council is opening up its beaches to dogs starting 1 November through the municipal pet ownership ordinance and the municipal ordinance on safely using and enjoying beaches. “For the second […]

30 October 2022

The initiative was launched one month ago with the aim of reducing food waste at the city’s restaurants‘ Benicàssim, 19 August 2022 Benicàssim’s hospitality sector has already ‘saved’ over 620 kilos of food with the ‘Comentalízate’ campaign. The initiative promoted by the City Council, through its Sustainable Development, Social Welfare and Trade departments, aims to […]

19 August 2022

This year’s entrants are from 12 different countries, and the young Ausiàs Parejo is the only competitor from the Valencian Community Benicàssim, 12 August 2022 The countdown to the Francisco Tárrega International Guitar Competition has begun, with entry now closed to competitors. In the words of the mayor, Susana Marqués: “this year’s competition marks a […]

12 August 2022

Between the 2nd and 4th of September, this Costumbrist event will bring paseo Pilar Coloma to life Benicàssim, 11 August 2022 In 1872, the railway engineer Joaquín Coloma Grau was placed in charge of defining improvement works to the railway line route between Tarragona and Almansa. Construction of the line between Benicàssim and Oropesa took […]

11 August 2022

The town held an extraordinary Local Security Meeting for the festival which will take place between the 16th and 22nd of August Benicàssim, 10 August 2022 This morning, Benicàssim held an extraordinary Local Security Meeting for the upcoming Rototom Sunsplash festival which will take place between the 16th and 22nd of August. The session, chaired […]

10 August 2022