

Francesc Tàrrega Municipal Theatre


Artistic specifications: Autoria: Javier Daulte ; Traducción: Cristina Genebat ; Dirección: Sílvia Munt ; Intérpretes: Cristina Genebat, Marta Marco, Nora Navas

Duration: 1 h 25 min

Language: Valenciano

No recomendada para menores de 16 años


Synopsis: What would happen if one day, out of the blue, we started doing everything that crossed our mind? This reckless comedy escalates by the minute.

Nuria, Lila and Fabi have planned to spend to weekend together outside the city. Lila just got out of a traumatic divorce and her friends want to help her, but things get complicated when these three women are taken by a flood of intense emotions that will lead them to recklessness without them realizing it. This set of circumstances turn a regular weekend into a hilarious play written by the Argentine screenwriter Javier Daulte and directed by Sílvia Munt. A comedy of intrigue where a weekend with friends escalates by the minute.

What would happen if one day, out of the blue, we started doing everything that crossed our mind? Where are the limits between right and wrong?

Company: We are a company of over 30 strong focused on setting up, producing, managing and distributing a wide variety of cultural programmes. We are from Girona but we think globally. We have been bringing theatre to a variety of stages since 1991 and we take care of everything related to our work thoroughly and professionally.

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